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I hope everything is fine 😺 

(1 edit) (+14)

Hey everyone, Rotshild here, one of the writers on the project. That being said, I'm not the lead, so don't take this as any sort of "official" status update. I just figured it'd be good to provide some information to the readers asking about it.

Sadly, I can't give any real update on the status of the project. It has been a while since I've heard from Vermin Charr, who is the creator and lead on The Taste of Fire. I hope he's doing well; last we heard, some real life circumstances were getting in the way of continuing development on the project. 

I don't know if the project will continue at some point, or when that would be. I certainly hope so, but I'm as much in the dark as you guys are. I guess we can hope that everything is alright and we'll hear from Charr soon.

Is this novel still under progress? Or cancelled?

(progress) I believe

(1 edit)

I checked the discord server and the last update from the author was January 21, 2024 stating they were going on a "brief" hiatus due to life stuff. (which is fine of course) They said then that they weren't abandoning the VN but there hasn't been any updates since.  


damn long hiatus haha thanks


Will there be an update to this Visual Novel and if so how soonwill it be?


I have to say, the story took my heart and so did Valos. There is many compliments to be said of it, but overall you did an amazing work on this piece, I wish I could pay you with card if you ever give the option, because this really deserves to be a paid for. I also hope that we can know more about how this unfolds, but for the time remaining I wish you all the best Vermin Charr! This novel really made my heart jump ❤️

Deleted 141 days ago

Wait what? it was abandoned!?!

Deleted 156 days ago

as long as the creator has not made an announcement that it has been abandoned I would not make such a claim, there have been other VMs where no updates have come for a long time you just have to give it time.

also for those who are not Patreon supporters you should also be grateful to be able to play it for free but some really seem to forget that and not appreciate it either. 

so my advice to everyone reading this is to be patient and wait.


I must have read that wrong, because it seemed like Valeria just grabbed the MC while he was right next to Valos, and just...took him?  Valos what, just stood there and let it happen?

(1 edit)

Alors maintenant que tu le dis et maintenant que tu en parles c'est vrai que je n'ai pas vraiment fait attention à cette partie mais maintenant que j'y suis retourné plusieurs fois c'est vrai qu'il n'y a pas de logique il y a un problème u_u

I loved this novel from start to finish but if at the end there is something illogical like that then maybe the creator is up to something, just wait u_u


Yeah, it really threw me off.  Plus all just so our main character could get kidnapped again?


princess peach :)

Pfft yeah


I really hope theres an update soon. I cant stay on this cliff hanger much longer

Update when?(sorry for asking


Is the vn ongoing or has it come to a stop ?


still on going i believe, based from my observation the update happens every two to three months or more, but the project is still alive. 



NOOO there's gotta be more man..don't leave us hanging like that..

Is there romance in here




Our princess peach keep getting kidnapped by Bowser 🥲 and I neeedddd update please.


MC has princess in the castle tower syndrome! Have some awareness or fight back 😂



Just started this visual novel and so far I'm liking it . MC is a bit of a twat, but I'll get over it. But I got to ask, is there any real music in this VN!? So far its been playing the same boring droning on sound since the beginning of the game. Will it ever get better, or should I just mute the music and turn on the TV for background noise?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Spoiler Warning.








Our protagonist gets kidnapped again already? I think it will be better using other method to advance the plot....

I think I'll just create a new save and name the MC Peach at this point, how the hell does he keep getting kidnapped all the time

Deleted 1 year ago

Oh yeah, he was kidnapped once, that wasn't enough, he was kidnapped a second time, a third time, sometimes you might have to ask yourself some questions🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I would like to give my feedback regarding this game. I must say that I like it, even the story, and I can't wait to see it finished. I wonder if in an upcoming update it will be possible to customize the protagonist, Sam. I don't really like one human among many beastmen, unless he himself later undergoes a transformation and becomes a beastman himself (whose species is also customizable).


so basically you like the game, but would love for them to change a very deliberate choice because you dont like humans amongst beast men? What a weird, self centered critique.

when i try to play the new update the vn says parsing the script failed and idk what to do


wen you get in to a furry world / vn and your not op have no way to help and are useless and have no cool powers and are just a macguffin for the story 


current objective survive


Please just give this game a good happy ending, I am tired of getting my emotions played with by these visual novels

Is the MC a human?


nice, thank

O jogo terá o idioma português


Hello author, I am a player from China. I like your game very much, and I would like to apply to you for permission to make a Chinese translation version, and then promote it in China and recommend it to more players.





I loved it now I'm anxious to find out what comes next


For some reason, my phone marked this file as malicious


OH my god, that cliffhanger is killing me

when is the next update?

I would like to know as well.

My guess would be on somewhere between November or before December maybe?


you a bitch XD


I mean, I understand it is difficult for updates to be frequent as writers' block and life gets in the way, so no worries, I'll wait. Take your time. Just give a notification when a possible update is near. ( ^w^ ) , <3

hey its ruby off discord i lost my account/accounts and can get then back idk what to do plus d you have a different way to message you

this is now my fav book/vn/game when do you plan to up out the next udate


The story and art is amazing, although I've seen a lot of, I guess, not contracted wording? I don't really know how to explain it but I see a lot of "I am" instead of "I'm" and other stuff like that in places where the latter would maybe make the script more fluid, like "I am glad I happened to be nearby" instead of "I'm glad I happened to be nearby"

I hope this doesn't come off as just criticizing, but as constructive criticism instead

(most sentences work well without contracted wording, but in the rest It'd work better with them)


other than this stuff the script is really well written


i need more plz *^* dont be shy post some more ^^


Just finished reading it and taking it all in this vn  is soo good that i demand you to finish making this vn this INSTANT!! Jkjk i was just overacting about the demand stuff but for real tho the story/scene/art and all that was 11/10 im glad that i saw this masterpiece and i am willing to wait for further updates.

And i just wanted to say is best wishes to you and to  all your friends/team/ and loved one's .

P.s: sorry if my english was terrible but i hope my message was clear <3


I was a bit skeptical due to the cliche "Human MC meets his dream furry husband" but its quite good actually. I just really hope the main character can keep on growing and developing further into someone indenpendent and that the world and its lore is further explored. And that we have the choice to freely top or bottom not be forced to bottom no matter what because this is getting extremelly tiresome in every single fucking visual novel

Honestly I love how in the latest update the protag's not only empathetic but also assertive and I am very here for it. Too often in these games the LI is meant to be ultimately right even if they're being a bastard and I like the back and forth between the two here. Thank you for acting like adults.


two tops don't make a bottom

What is that even supposed to mean


tf u think it means

(1 edit)

Nah bc this visual novel had me on my toes, cry, feel angry and jealous, made me sick to my stomach

no other vn ever did that to me this was a whole rollercoaster of emotions and i cant even comprehend what happened

(7 edits) (+4)

I really like the VN and looking forward to the next parts, but I have one criticism


Every Build Ends with a fight or a kidnapping. I know it’s for story telling purposes, bat after some time it leaves a dry aftertaste.

(Sorry for mistakes, english isn’t my native language and and no, I don’t know how to properly mark the spoiler)

So what I predict is that the kidnappings will happen a few more times throughout the storyline, and between there will be breakthroughs in the MC's character. As in a strength or skill that they will attain, so as to make them more impervious to an attack.

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